The UK does not want 'Hooters'. It is a retrograde step for a country dedicated to gender equality

Saturday 9 October 2010

Council's decision sheet has now been published

Finally, after weeks after waiting, the Council has finally published its decision sheet for the Hooters licence.

A link is below.  The last 2 pages are most interesting.

In particular, the licensing sub-commmittee chair felt that:
"...the application did offer something different to that already in the area in that it was a predominantly food-led American themed restaurant with modest hours of operation and not a vertical drinking establishment."

"It was envisaged that the premises would be more likely to attract customers wanting a table meal and to watch sporting events, rather than those wanting to binge drink. The premises would provide competition to premises that catered more for high volume vertical drinking."

Really?  Are we talking about the same place?!

Hooters application decision sheet

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